Thumbs Up.

by Nic Olson

Regina is a great place. Not great in the sense of size, or great in the sense of population. It is however great in the of amount of crime and great in the amount of Chlamydia. It is also great in the way of making me feel at home every time I re-enter its presence after an extended period of time.

Last Wednesday I was in Saskatoon, and I was in a predicament. I had some VIB’s (very important bros) and a VIRARC (very important rock and roll concert) that I needed to get to on Thursday night, in Regina. This was a problem because I had no ride. Solutions? The bus. Too expensive (I’m oh-so cheap). A car. I didn’t have one. Horseback. I already walk like a dink. Hitchhike. Sounds like a plan.

I’ll admit, I did more hitching than I did hiking. My hitching lasted about 58 minutes and my hiking about two minutes, and soon after I was picked up by Dwayne outta T.O. He drove a big Peterbilt, had a bunch of tattoos, ate dry ribs for breakfast, smoked the J, and had a nameless dachshund in the back. Nice guy.

I made it home with hours to spare, to sit in my newly renovated home and chill for a few. Hangouts with the VIB’s were had. Rockin’ at the VIRARC was done. My summer is complete.

Just goes to show you, if you want to be somewhere bad enough, you’ll get there. No more excuses Nic. Let’s go meet Sharapova.